Resolutions General Meeting

According to PD ΠΔ 350/1985 Article 6 - par. 1b and Article 278 of the rules of the Athens Exchange we disclose that: The annual general assembly of shareholders of the company on its meeting today May 25, 2006, that were attended by 6 shareholders representing the 30,75% of the companies total shares:
1. Approved the company and consolidated financial statements of the company for the year January1, to December 31, 2005.
2. Approved the proposal of the Board of Directors to offset retained losses with the years earning and the non distribution of dividends to the company's shareholders.
3. Unanimously approved the codification of Article 5 of the Company?s Article of Incorporation concerning the share capital because of the consolidation of the share capital increases that resulted from the conversion of bonds of the convertible bond according to the decisions of the extraordinary General Assembly of Shareholders of February 8, 2004 and the Board of Directors of June 11, 2004 that were certified by the Board of Directors on May 5, 2005 and February 6, 2006.
4. A new Board of Directors for a two years service term was elected as follows:
Executive members: Georgios Fidakis, Konstantinos Koutsoubelis, Georgios Vlamis, Ioannis Pantousis and Konstantinos Demenagas and, Independent non-executive members: Georgios Stroggylopoulos, Ioannis Katsoulakos, Spyros Lioukas and Nikolaos Piblis.
5. Released the members of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any compensation liability for the fiscal year January 1 to December 31, 2005.
6. Granted permission to the members of the Board of Directors according to article 23 par. 1 of Law 2190/1920, to participate in the Board of Directors or the management of affiliated companies that have similar businesses or activities.
7. Approved the paid in 2005 fees and compensation to the independent non-executive members of the Board of Directors and pre approved their renumeration of the fiscal year 2006.
8. Granted permission according to article 23 a of Law 2190/1920 and approved the conclusion of agreements between the company and the members of the Board of Directors or companies related to them.
9. Elected the audit firm SOL S.A. for the performance of the audit of the financial statements of the company for the fiscal year from January 1 to December 31, 2006.
10. Approved the share capital increase of the 100% subsidiary Fidakis Service S.A. with the amount of 250 thousand euro.
11. The shareholders were informed about the purchase of 1.780.220 treasury shares in the frame of the decision of the extraordinary General Assembly of shareholders of February 8, 2005, that represent 3,28% of the total shares of the company with average purchase price 3,14 euro per share.
12. Approved the introduction of the Board of Directors for the participation of the company with 40% in the under establishment company ?R.F. Energy Holding Company?. In this company except F.G. Europe, will also participate a company of Restis Group interests with 50% and Mr. Georgios Fidakis with 10%.
13. Approved the existing agreements between the company and its subsidiaries. The decisions on subjects 8,9,10,12 and 13 were voted by the majority, due to the opposite position of the representative of shareholder GNA ZVA2,represented in the Assembly with 3.566 shares, who on subject 11 declared present. Finally, the shareholders were presented in detail with the results of the three months period and the companies potential based on its up to today performance.


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