During the meeting held on April 27th 2001, the Annual General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company have decided, among other things, the share capital increase with the capitalization of non distributed profits amounting to 125.000.000 drs. and the issue of 250.000 new ordinary registered shares of a nominal value of 500 drs., which will be distributed to the Company employees and to the employees of affiliated companies, in order to achieve the share spread requested by N.2651/1998.In accordance with the stipulations of decision number 45/12.7.2000 of the Board of Directors of the Athens Stock Exchange, and because of the above mentioned share capital increase, the MULTIRAMA S.A. share price will readjust. The share price readjustment date, which will follow the Ministry of Development approval of the shareholders' General Assembly decision, will be announced by the Press.During the same Annual General Assembly, the shareholders have decided the conversion of ordinary bearer shares into ordinary registered shares. Following the completion of the share capital increase and the conversion of all the shares of the Company into registered shares, the MULTIRAMA S.A. share capital will have 4.022.914 ordinary registered shares of a nominal value of 500 drs. each.In addition, during the General Assembly the financial statements of the Company were approved for the financial year 2000 and it was noted that the non distribution of dividends is a result of the profits of the financial year 2000 being carried forward to the own capital section retained profits to cover accrued losses of previous financial years.


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