All the items on the agenda at Hellenic Investment Company's Annual General Meeting were approved.Specifically, the shareholders approved Drs8.950bn to be distributed as dividends for the financial year 2000. The corresponding dividend per share is Drs75 or 0.22 Euros and the dividend yield as at 17/5/01 is 8.3%All shareholders up to and including 22/5/01 are entitled to the 2000 dividend. From 23/05/01 the shares will be trading ex-dividend, whereas the actual dividend payment will start at 30/5/01 at ETBAbank branches.Additionally, a share capital increase of approximately Drs2.66bn was approved which will be achieved via the capitalization of part of the difference arising from the issue of shares above par and the increase of the nominal value of the shares from Drs1,000 to Drs1,022.25 as well as the conversion of the share capital and share nominal value into Euros (358,020,000 and 3 Euros respectively).The Net Asset Value of the company at 17/05/2001 was Drs135bn and the net asset value per share Drs1,131 or 3.32 euros. The share was trading at a 20.4% discount compared to its net asset value, which exhibited a decline of 6.7% versus a decline of 9.7% of the Athens General Index since the beginning of the year.The realized profits before taxes and depreciation at 17/05/01 reached Drs621m as compared to Drs260m at 31/03/01.The fund's domestic portfolio is invested 55% in large capitalization companies (>1bn euros), 25.7% in mid-cap companies (>250m euros) and the remaining 20.3% in small-cap companies.


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