
A. Following the disclosure by the company Alpha Bank S.A., shareholder of Hellenic Exchanges S.A., with a letter to the Company and the Capital Market Commission dated April 5th 2006 in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 51/1992, we inform you that on April 4th 2006 Alpha Bank S.A. sold shares of HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A., so that the percentage of participation in the company is reduced from 5.09% to 4.90%, with a corresponding reduction in the voting rights in the Company on the total number of shares of the Company.

B. Following the disclosure by the company Deutsche Bank AG, shareholder of Hellenic Exchanges S.A., with a letter to the Company dated April 5th 2006 in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 51/1992, we inform you that on March 27th 2006 "DWS Investments (France)", a subsidiary of Deutsche Bank Group bought 140,245 shares of HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A., so that the percentage of participation of the Deutsche Bank Group in the Company is increased from 4.83% to 5.03%, with a corresponding increase in the voting rights in the Company on the total number of shares of the Company.


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