New composition of the Board of Directors

The company LAMDA DETERGENT S.A. discloses that following the resignation of the member of the Board of Director, Mr. Theodoros Lytras, Ms. Harikleia Apostolopoulou was elected to his replacement. The new Board of Directors was formed into body on Monday July 3, 2006 and is as follows:
1. Lavrentios Lavrentiadis son of Vassilis, executive member, President and Managing Director of the company,
2. Georgios Georgaras son of Panagiotis, non-executive member, Vice-President of the BoD
3. Harikleia Apostolopoulou daughter of Gerasimos, independent non-executive member of the BoD (New member),
4. Ioannis Minaggias son of Dimitris, non-executive member of the BoD,
5. Ilias Makris son of Lambros, independent non-executive member of the BoD.
The Managing Director, Mr. Lavrentios Lavrentiadis represents and binds the company by signing under the corporate name. The term of service of the new Board of Directors ends on 13/06/2011.


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