New composition of the Board of Directors

The Annual Shareholders' Meeting of HALCOR S.A., held on Thursday, June 15th 2006, elected a new Board of Directors, that will manage the company for one year and until the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of 2007 the latest.

The composition of the new Board of Directors, after the assignment of duties, is the following:
1. THEODOSSIOS PAPAGEORGOPOULOS - Chairman, executive member
2. JOHN IKONOMOU - Vice-Chairman, non executive member
3. GEORGE PASSAS - non executive member
4. ANDREAS KIRIAZIS - independent, non executive member
5. EFSTATHIOS STRIBER - independent, non executive member
6. KONSTANTINOS BAKOURIS - non executive member
7. ATHANASSIOS ATHANASSOPOULOS - non executive member
8. JEAN CHOUVEL - non executive member
9. ANDREAS KATSANOS - non executive member
10. KONSTANTINOS KASOTAKIS - non executive member


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