Full subscription: Share capital increase through cash payment and a preemptive right in favour of existing shareholders

The Board of Directors of the company "HELLENIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS & TELEMATIC APPLICATIONS COMPANY S.A. - FORTHnet S.A." hereby inform the investors that the significant Share Capital Increase which was resolved by the Shareholders' Extraordinary General Meeting held on 17/3/2006 and took place between 8/5/2006 and 22/5/2006 has been successfully completed through the payment of EUR 119.904.344,00 by existing shareholders and those who acquired pre-emptive rights during the rights trading period. According to the announced General Meeting decision, the 21,411,490 new shares issued, were oversubscribed, with investor demand amounting to 24,669,778 shares. Subscriptions by existing shareholders and the pre-emptive rights taken-up during the trading period, covered 98.44% of the share capital increase equal to a total amount of EUR 118.039.101,6, representing 21.078.411 new ordinary registered shares.Only 333.079 shares were left unexercised; which was less than new subscriber demand, of 3.591.367 shares. By virtue of the Company's Board of Directors resolution dated 23/5/2006, the 333.079 unexercised shares were allocated to those who exercised their oversubscription right, based on subscription and the allocation procedures detailed by the Company's relevant bodies and outlined in the approved Prospectus. The final Share Capital Increase subscription level rises to 100%, with a total capital rising of EUR 119,904,344.00. Following the aforementioned, the Company's share capital has been increased by EUR 25,265,558.20 through the issuance of 21,411,490 new ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of ?1.18 each. The new shares from the capital increase will be delivered to beneficiaries in dematerialized form by crediting their registered Records and Securities Accounts in the Dematerialized Securities System (DSS), as declared by the beneficiaries. The date on which the new shares will be credited to such accounts and the commencement of trading on the ATHEX will be notified through a subsequent release by the Company.


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