Fiscal Year 2005 Ex-dividend date

Following the decision of the Annual Shareholders Meeting on the 23rd of June 2006, the company announces the payment of 6,5 cents per share (0,065 euro) as cash dividend for the fiscal year 2005, which will be net from any taxes.
All the holders of the company's shares at the closing of the trading day of the Athens Stock Exchange of August 10, 2006, are entitled to receive the cash dividend.
As of Friday the 11th of August 2006, the stock will be traded without the right to receive the dividend.
The starting date that dividend will be cashed is Monday the 21st of August 2006 via the network of Nova Bank, which will take place as follows:
1. Through the authorised administrators (Stockbrokers and Banks) of beneficiary shareholders via the Dematerialised Securities System (SAT).
2. Through Nova Bank branches for those shareholders who have asked for exception of their authorized administrator for SAT or keep their shares in the special account.
3. Through Nova Bank branches for those shareholders who will not receive their dividend payment through the authorized administrators for whatever reason.
For cases 2 and 3, the payment will be done directly to the shareholders or their authorized representatives, after the presentation of his I.D. and the S.A.T. number until 31/12/2006. From 1/1/2007 payment will be made only at the company's head office at 96 Vouliagmenis Avenue, 166 74 Glyfada. For further information, Shareholders should contact the Shareholders' Department of the company ELMEC SPORT SA on 210 - 96 99 362.


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