First semester 2005 results

According to DELHAIZE GROUP's 1st Semester 2005 financial figures published today at 8 a.m. (CET), "ALFA-BETA" VASSILOPOULOS S.A. realized in the first half of 2005 a Consolidated Turnover of 437.82 million EUR, increased by 3.4% compared to the previous year while Consolidated Operating Profit (Profit before tax, financial and investing activities) amounted to 6.02 million EUR.

Moreover, "ALFA-BETA" continued its development activity and two new franchising stores were added to its sales network, which comprised 130 sales points at the end of first semester.

Please note that Company's First Semester audited financial statements will be published on September 2, 2005.

"ALFA-BETA" VASSILOPOULOS S.A., is a food retail company established in 1969 and member of the Belgian Delhaize Group since 1992. At the end of 2004, the group "ALFA-BETA" operated 129 stores (100 retail sales points, 10 Cash-and-Carry stores, & 19 franchising stores) and employed 6,517 people. In 2004, Consolidated Turnover amounted to EUR 934.6 million and Consolidated Net Profit before taxes to EUR 15.8 million. "ALFA-BETA" VASSILOPOULOS S.A. is listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (BASIK) since 1990.


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