Establishment of a joint insurance company in Romania

Τhe establishment of a joint insurance company in Romania, comprising of Agrotiki Insurance and Agrotiki Life, has now become reality, as the Private Insurance Committee of the Ministry of Commerce in Romania has provided the required authorization.

The trade name of the new company is ?ABG INSURANCE S.A.? and it will conduct business both as regards general and life insurances.
The insurance companies of ATE Group will seek to make the most of the advantages that they already hold and the opportunities that are offered by this new and rapidly growing market of the Balkans.

Agrotiki Insurance and Agrotiki Life will seek to play an important role in the new market by taking advantage of their extensive and significant experience as well as cover efficiently and in whole the current insurance needs.

The company's equity capital amounts to 1,3 billion dollars in which Agrotiki Life participates by 51%, Agrotiki Insurance by 40% and ATE Property Development, ATE Leasing and ATE Finance each by 3%.


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