The financial results of ELGEKA S.A. for the year 2000 presented an increase of 16,6% in Turnover amounted to 31.5 billion Drs (or 92.5 million Euro) compared to 27 billion Drs (79.2 million Euro) in 1999. The net profits before taxes amounted to 1,67 billion Drs (4.9 million Euro) compared to 2,2 billion Drs (6.4 million Euro) in 1999.The Consolidated Turnover for 2000, increased by 32% amounted to 37.4 billion Drs (110 million Euro) compared to 28.4 billion Drs (83 million Euro) in 1999. Consolidated net profits before taxes amounted to 2,04 billion Drs (6 million Euro) compared to 2.17 billion Drs (6.4 million Euro) for 1999. This constitutes a decrease of 6.2%. The following companies are included in the consolidated financial statements: ELGEKA ROMANIA SRL, ELGEKA CYPRUS Ltd, LSH SA, FIELD SA, VIOTROS AEBE, H.K. PAPADIMITRIOU SA. Company's shareholder equity amounted to 16.97 billion Drs compared to 16 billion Drs in 1999. The Board of Directors will propose to the General Meeting of Shareholders a dividend distribution of 27 Drs per share totaled 432 million Drs, which is 42.7% of the profits carried forward.The decrease of the net profits of the parent company is attributed to the increase of the cost of sales (the company chose not to encumber this increase to the consumers in order to strengthen its position in the market), on the increase of sales of products less profitable and a relative increase of operational expenses.) During the year 2000, ELGEKA continued realizing its investment plan and managed to cover 74% of the drawn capital in a period of 16 months after its listing in the Athens Stock Exchange. More specifically, the company acquired the 80% of VIOTROS ABEE (production of processed cheese), the 50% of H.K.PAPADIMITRIOU SA (Export Company specialized in production and packaging of vinegar, mustard and Corinthian Raisin), and the 9.9% of GOLDEN EGGS SA (production, packaging of eggs). The remaining amount of the drawn capital is intended for the creation of a new distribution center in West Attica, the delay is due to the difficulty of finding the proper land. For the year 2001 ELGEKA's Turnover is expected to rise up to 33 billion Drs (97 million Euro) and on consolidated base to 44 billion Drs (129 million Euro). ELGEKA's major targets for the year 2001, in order to strengthen its position in the marketplace, is the further development of the handled brands and the commencement of new cooperation. Within company's main objectives is the reengineering of its' subsidiaries in order to be more efficient and effective. Moreover, ELGEKA S.A. continues considering its growth with the expansion of its' activities in other countries through participation and acquisitions.
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