Decisions of Extraordinary General Meeting

The company announces that the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders that took place today on 10/03/2006 approved the 2nd matter on the agenda, namely the buy back of the company's shares through the Athens Exchange in accordance with art. 16 par. 5 of Law 2190/1920, up to 10% of the total number of its stock, namely up to 3.294.680 shares, setting the lowest price at 9 Euro and the highest at 30 Euro per share, for a time period fixed up to twelve months as from today untill 10/03/2007.

There were presents 17 shareholders holding the 53,01% of the sharecapital, namely 17.467.368 shares. On the above matter the percentages of the present sharehorders and the quorum are as follows: 53,01% presents, 53,01% positive votes.

With respect to the first matter of the agenda, Issuance of common bond loan of Euro 113.000.000 in substitution of the existing loans of the company, the percentage of 2/3 of the shareholders to be present at the meeting, which is required by art. 34 of the articles of association of the company (extraordinary percentage) has not been fullfilled and therefore, given that such percentage of the shareholders to be present is missing, the first issue of the agenda has been postponed for the next session of the General Meeting, which will take place within the next 20 days (First Adjourned General Meeting). Announcement on such First Adjourned General Meeting will follow.


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