Composition of the Company''s new Board of Directors

Further to their election on November 7 2006, the new members of the Board of Directors of DELTA PROJECT S.A. were composed into a body as follows:
1. Αnastasios Deligiorgis, Non-executive Member, President,
2. Νtinos Benroubis, Εxecutive Member, Vice-president,
3. John Desipris, Non-executive Member,
4. Dimitrion Diakopoulos, Non-executive Member,
5. Chris Gavalas, Non-executive Member,
6. Sriridon Nikolaidis, Non-executive Member - Independent, and
7. Pantelis Karakostas, Non-executive Member - Independent.
Additionally, the Internal Audit Committee, which shall supervise the application of the internal auditing processes, shall be comprised by messrs Chris Gavalas and Spiridon Nikolaidis.


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