Comments on Recent Press Article

With reference to the article of 31/01/2007 in Euro2day, the Company would like to point out that the procedures of consolidation and auditing of the financial results for the year ending 31.12.2006 have not yet been completed and the company has not proceeded yet to the related announcements. The release of the financial results is assessed to take place by the end of February and the Company will announce the exact date in due time.
Referring to the geographical expansion of the Group, mentioned in the above article, it is clarified that the Group''s priority, as already announced in the press releases of 21/11/2006 and 16/05/2006, is the markets of India (where a Joint Venture is already operating) and Middle East and more precisely the regions of Saudi Arabia and Dubai. In these regions the Company is exploring various options for co-operations, for which however discussions are still in a preliminary stage, and therefore the disclosure of further information, at present, is not considered appropriate.
The Group has already made announcements, regarding its restructuring plans for year 2006, through the Press Release of 11/05/2006 and the presentation of 01/09/2006 in the 1st Annual Greek Road-show in London, which is available on the web page of Company and of the Athens Exchange S.A.


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