Comment on Recent Press Article

In response and in comment upon the article published by AXIA newspaper on 5 August 2006 entitled "MULTIRAMA's flirt with PLAISIO" the company PLAISIO COMPUTERS S.A., wishes to publicly announce the following:
PLAISIO COMPUTERS S.A. has many times made known to the investment community that its strategic goal is the development of its operations, inside and outside Greece, which it accomplishes both through its organizational and operational development of its network and through the most appropriate business moves (founding of new companies, etc.). Within this framework, the Company researches information and conditions for its further development through the two above-mentioned axes. At the given moment in time, however, there are no agreements or negotiations regarding its merging with another company, as the above-mentioned article alleges. The responsibility and concern of the Company's management is the communication of specific, correct, and responsible facts to the investment community and not theories. If some such negotiation or agreement were to exist, the Company would immediately inform the investment community and the stock market authorities, in accordance with the Rules of the Greek Stock Market Exchange and within the legal framework.


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