Annual General Meeting of Shareholders: Earnings before taxes in 2006 are expected to reach 220 mil., posting a 46% increase y-o-y

"INTRALOT is the greatest Greek exporter of technology and know-how, always breaking new ground with respect to technological applications in the gaming sector. Both the previous year's results and our estimates for 2006 confirm that INTRALOT merits the title of a Greek company that is a global leader", underscored INTRALOT S.A. CEO, Mr. Constantinos Antonopoulos, during the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders held today. During the last year, the company further increased its share in the global market and has now established a foothold in all 5 continents, by undertaking 10 new projects all over the world and realizing 2 significant betting company acquisitions in Poland and Turkey. Also, INTRALOT recently received a Notice of Intent to a Award a contract in Malaysia. The revenues generated from the Group's international activities make up 74.7% of its consolidated turnover and 56.9% of its earnings before taxes, validating the strong presence of the INTRALOT Group in the global market. In addition, the General Meeting of shareholders approved the distribution of a dividend equal to Euro 0,55 per share (including the interim dividend of Euro 0.23 per share), an increase of 14.6% with respect to the dividend of 2004. Mr. Antonopoulos added: "2005 was a milestone for the INTRALOT Group, which consistently and dynamically pursued its international development. The upward course of our Group is reflected in the results for the year 2005, which fulfil the expectations of our shareholders and justify the efforts of our employees and associates". The estimates for 2006 are equally optimistic. Mr. Antonopoulos stressed that in 2006 the turnover is expected to reach Euro 700 million and the earnings before tax Euro 220 million, an increase of 34% and 46% correspondingly, in relation to 2005, whilst in 2006 international activities are expected to contribute 77% of the Group's turnover and 70% of the earnings before taxes. During this current year and 2007 alike, INTRALOT will deal with a series of significant events that will determine its further upward course: tenders that relate to major projects, privatisations of important state gaming operators throughout the world - such as Turkey, Great Britain, Russia, Australia and South Africa-, increased demand for fixed betting games in 13 countries where INTRALOT holds corresponding contracts, in view of the Football World Cup in Germany on June 2006, the further development of the promising new GameWareX product range that marks the company's entrance into the entertainment sector with the aim of attracting younger age groups and finally, capitalising on the new telecommunications means and networks for the operation of gaming and entertainment games as well as added value services. INTRALOT is the only company internationally that offers Lotteries a full range of products and services in order to meet all their needs (one-stop-shop), whilst managing the largest world's sports book, covering bets exceeding Euro 3.5 billion, a fact that sets INTRALOT apart from the competition, which despite the acquisitions undertaken on an international level has not managed to acquire the required know-how in the management of betting games. "INTRALOT is a company that does not simply follow developments, but rather shapes events and acts as a quality benchmark for the sector's products and services, to the benefit of its customers, local communities and the international entertainment market. INTRALOT will continue to grow and successfully penetrate international markets, offering added value both to its customers and shareholders", added Mr. Antonopoulos at the end of his presentation.


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