Announcement of sale of paper-based registered shares

In accordance with article 53 par. 2 of l.3371/2005 (Government Gazette A' 178/14.7.2005) and the Capital Market Commission's Regulation 1/380/4.5.2006 (Government Gazette B' 657/25.5.2006), Lambrakis Press SA (the "Company"), announces that the Company's paper-based registered shares, including all shares resulting from corporate actions, not submitted to the Company for dematerialization by 14.7.2006 (within twelve months from the date the abovementioned law came into force), will be sold through Athens Exchange, under the supervision of the Company, according to the following procedure: Following the Company's request, permission for the sale will be granted by the Capital Market Commission, a Member of Athens Exchange will be appointed to conduct the sale and the shares to be sold, as well as the date of commencement of the sale procedure, will be determined. The proceeds from the sale will be deposited in the Deposits and Loans Fund and will be at the disposal of the beneficiaries. Regarding the above mentioned issues, the Company will be informing the shareholders through further announcements. Hence, shareholders of the Company that have not had their shares dematerialized are requested to contact the Company's Shareholder's Department, if possible, no later than July, 5th, and apply for the dematerialization of their shares, submitting their depository documents or the paper-based titles and a copy of the investor account in the Dematerialized Securities System (SAT) with the Central Securities Depository SA. Shareholders that do not have an SAT account in the Dematerialized Securities System, should open accounts by contacting an account operator, i.e. Stock Broker or Bank acting as custodian. For further information, the shareholders may contact the Company's Shareholders' Department at 80, Michalakopoulou str., 115 28 Athens, tel. +30 211 36 59 484 - 3 - 2 fax: 211- 36 59 481.


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