Announcement of Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting Decisions

PLAISIO COMPUTERS S.A. announces that on Tuesday 11th 2006, the Extraordinary General Shareholder's Meeting took place at the company's headquarters (92 Chlois and Ermou Street, Metamorphosi), in order to decide on the following issues:
1.Issuance of a common Bond Loan amounting up to fifty million euro (50.000.000 Euro), of duration up to fifteen years, with private placement and authorization to the Board of Directors to stipulate the specific terms of issuing the common Bond Loan and taking all the necessary actions.
2.Alteration of the articles 18, 20 and 23 of the memorandum of the Company, so as to be in accordance with the law 3156/2003.
3.Abolition of the final clauses and codification of the Memorandum of the company.
4.Other issues and announcements.

In the Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting 6 stockholders were present, representing the 70, 51% of the Share capital of the company (15.569.730 shares out of a total of 22.080.000 shares). The Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting approved unanimously each of the following issues:
1.The issuance, in compliance with the articles 1 and 6 of the law 3156/2003, of a common Bond Loan amounting up to fifty million euro (50.000.000 euro), of duration up to fifteen years with a private placement. The Bond loan will be used for the construction of the new logistics center of the company and for the restructuring of the existing short term loans of the company. The Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting authorized the Board of Directors to stipulate the specific terms of issuing the aforeme ntioned common Bond Loan and take all the necessary actions.
2.The alteration of the articles 18, 20 and 23 of the memorandum of the Company, so as to be in accordance with the law 3156/2003.
3.The abolition of the final clauses and codification of the Memorandum of the company.
4.There were no other issues and announcements.


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