Announcement of coprorate action shedule

In the context of the special obligations arising by articles 275, par.9c, 279 par. 2 and 329 par.3,of Athens Stock Exchange Regulation concerning companies listed in the Large Capitalization Category and as regards the Corporate Actions Schedule, we would like to inform you as follows:

a) The annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of "ALFA-BETA" VASSILOPOULOS S.A. will be held on April 28, 2006.
b) The company will distribute dividend for the fiscal year 2005, those who are shareholders of the company after the end of the A.S.E. trading session on 03.05.2006 are entitled to receive dividends. The Ex Dividend date is set at May 4th, 2006. The payment of the dividend for fiscal year 2005 will take place on 12.05.2006 in crossed cheques of EUROBANK by registered mail.
c) The company has scheduled to publish the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year 2005 on March 14, 2006
d) The annual briefing of analysts with regard to the financial results of the company for the fiscal year 2005 will be held on March 29, 2006 at the Association of Greek Institutional Investors.


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