
With reference to the decision of the Greek Competition Commission according to which a fine for the amount of 1,591,219 Euros was imposed upon the Company for its alleged participation in 2003 in harmonized practices - as indicated by the Commission - concerning the setting of the jet fuel selling prices, the Company hereby announces the following:
1. The Company conducts its activities within the context of the law and of the free competition and has never been involved into harmonized practice procedures.
2. The decision of the Greek Competition Commission is in its totality incorrect and unsubstantiated.
3. The decision of the Greek Competition Commission does not take into consideration the fact that the jet fuel market is an international one and does not concern the domestic market.
4. In view of the above the Company will appeal to the relevant courts for the cancellation of the above mentioned decision of the Greek Competition Commission and will use all judicial means for the protection of its interests.


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