
NIREUS S.A.according to the ATHEX pertaining rules, announces the Group''s basic financial figures for year 2006, as well as its management''s estimations at Group level for the current year 2007.
- For 2006, Group Sales reached 161,5 mil Euro, EBITDA reached 25 mil. Euro, while Earnings before Tax (EBT) reached 15,8 mil Euro.
The complete Financial Statements of NIREUS S.A. for year 2006, will be announced on Monday March 12, 2007 at 17:00, while on Tuesday March 14, 2007 at 16:00, and 17:00 a conference call with Greek and another one for foreign institutional investors are scheduled to take place.
For 2007, Group Sales are estimated at 230 mil. Euro, EBITDA at 41.2 mil. Euro and Earnings before Tax (ΕΒΤ) at 25 mil Euro, representing an increase of 42,4% for Group Sales, 64,8% for Group EBITDA and 66.7% for Earnings before Tax, between years 2006 and 2007.
According to Management, the above financial figures will be materialized, based on the Group''s business plan for Greece and abroad.
In Greece, several significant investments are underway fostering further the Group''s vertical structure, while the recent decision of NIREUS S.A. to become basic shareholder of the listed company KEGO S.A. is also part of the same strategy. Regarding the Group''s strategy abroad, the internalization of the Group''s production is also in progress, as the Group''s target to achieve vertical structure in Turkey is under process as well, while new developments are soon to be announced for the construction of a juvenile pre on-growing farm in Spain.
Regarding the Group''s decision to become major shareholder in the listed company KEGO S.A. which has so far, a successful presence in the Greek market and a dynamic course in the sectors of fish-feed, animal-feed and genetical material, this falls within the Group''s strategy for the quantitative and qualitative strengthening of its verticalised structure and leading position in Mediterranean fish farming.


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