
The Board of Directors of the company "ASPIS BANK S.A." notifies its shareholders that the exercise period of the preemption rights for the increase of the Bank''s share capital by 36,699,042.23 euro by payment of 52,736,734.04 euro in cash and issuance of 14,649,093 new common registered shares with a nominal value of 2.71 euro and offer price 3.60 euro each, which (the increase) was decided by its shareholders'' Extraordinary General Meeting of 24.07.2006, expired on 27.11.2006. The total number of shares requested from both those who exercised preemption rights and those who exercised the overallotment rights is 16,610,797 shares, corresponding to 59,798,869.20 euro against the 14,649,093 shares actually offered, amounting to 52,736,734.80 euro, thus covering the subscription to the share capital increase by 1.1339 times. Consequently, such increase was fully covered as follows: (a) 88.81% of the total share capital increase was covered by the exercise of preemption rights of existing shareholders. In particular, the exercised rights correspond to 13,009,745 common registered shares and the amount paid was 46,835,082.00 euro. (b) 11.19% was covered by the exercise of overallotment rights by existing shareholders and those who acquired preemption rights. This is equivalent to 1,639,348 common registered shares and the amount paid was 5,901,652.80 euro. In particular, during the subscription period, 3,601,052 the shares were requested, which amount to an over-subscription of the rump shares by 2.20 times and a cover-of-overollement demand by 45.5%.
Following the above, the capital share increase is covered by 100% through the offer of 14,649,093 common registered shares of nominal value of 2.71 euro each and no reason occurred neither for private placement nor activation of the Subscription Guarantee agreement.
Consequently, the Bank''s share capital increases by 39,699,042.03 euro. The difference from the issuance of the shares above par, of a total amount of 13,037,692.77 euro, is credited to the account - Surplus from the share issuance above par''. Thus, the Bank''s share capital shall amount to 172,092,182.13 euro, divided by 63,079,403 common registered voting shares of nominal value of 2.71 euro each.
The new shares arising from the increase of the share capital shall be delivered to their beneficiaries in dematerialized form, by crediting the securities account in the Dematerialised System of the ATHEX (SAT). The credit date of the new shares in the beneficiaries'' accounts and the date of commencement of trading of the new shares on the ATHEX shall be notified by a further announcement of the Bank


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