
The company "LAMDA DETERGENT S.A." informs the investment public that according to a relevant decision of the BoD of the Athens Stock Exchange, which was taken during its session as of 09.11.2006, from Monday 13.11.2006 onwards, market making on the common registered shares of the company will initiate in order to increase their liquidity. Market Maker is set the member of the Athens Stock Exchange "PROTON BANK S.A.". The company has concluded a market making contract with "PROTON BANK S.A.", with the following main terms:
1. PROTON BANK S.A. will transfer to the Trading System of the Athens Stock Exchange market making orders (i.e. simultaneous purchasing and sale orders) for its own account on the shares of the company "LAMDA DETERGENT S.A.", according to stipulations of existing legislation. For this service the company "LAMDA DETERGENT S.A." will pay a fee to PROTON BANK S.A.
2. The market making contract will last one (1) year from the date of initiation of the market making of the company''s shares.


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