
Our Company, Eurobank Properties REIC, informs the investors that will re-publish today its interim financial statements for the period 1/1-30/9/2006 in order to comply with the Decision 2/396/31.8.2006 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. The financial information will be published in "Naftmporiki" and "Eleftheros Typos". The re-publication does not relate to change of the aleady published finacial results of the company but to further information as required by the Decision 2/396/31.8.2006 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission. It should also be noted that for the six-month period 1/1/2006-30/6/2006, Earnings before interest, tax and depreciation (EBITDA) amounted to 13,448 Euro and Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) amounted to 13,419 Euro. Moreover, for the three-month period 1/4/2006 - 30/6/2006, EBITDA amounted to 9.912 Euro and EBIT amounted to 9.897 Euro.


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