
The company "STELIOS KANAKIS ABEE" , who is actively involved in the importation and commercial distribution of raw materials of pastry-making, bakery and ice cream, achieved a remarkable improvement on its financial data and elements during the first semester of the current year 2006. From the interim financial reports of the period 1.1.2006-30.6.2006, drawn up according to the International Standards of Financial and Economical Information (ISFEI) the main financial factors and data of the Company has as follows:
- The turnover ascended to Euro 7,011 million presenting an increase of 9,92% compared to Euro 6,419 million of the corresponding last year's period (2005).
- The profits before taxes, interests and depreciations (EBITDA) reinforced quotely at 13,18% and arose to Euro 931 thousands instead of Euro 823 thousands.
- The profits before taxes (ΕΒΤ) arose to Euro 794 thousands having an increase of 15,12% comparing to Euro 690 thousands for the first semester of 2005.
- The profits after taxes (ΕΑΤ), who are proportional to shareholders reinforced at rate 20,56% arising to Euro 552 thousands comparing to 457 thousands of the last year's first semester. It should be noted, in particular, that during the first semester of 2006 the company further reduced its already low bank lending. More specifically, the Company disbursed the amount of Euro 734 thousands and its bank lending is now limited to 587 thousands Euro from 1,310 million euro for the first semester of 2005. The capital and reserves of the company arose to 11,443 million Euro. As a result the bank lending of the company constitutes only 5% of the company's Capital and reserves and the proportion Liabilities/ Capital and Reserves is formed at 32%, which is between the lowest among the listed companies in the Athens Stock Exchange. The sane financial and economical status of the company is due to its continuous capacity to produce positive financial and economical flows, through which it finances its development.

The company during the relevant period presented positive cash flows from functional activities at the amount of 1,413 million Euro and the net increase to the available funds(cash) from the total of the company's activities (functional, investing, financing) arose to the amount of 228 thousands Euro. The management of the company supports its estimation for a positive course during the present fiscal year, which is reinforced by the fact that the commercial function of the new branch of the Company (storage, distribution and promotion center) in the Industrial Zone (VIPE) of Sindos (Thessaloniki) commences . Through the above branch the company aims to forcedly and systematically expand in the region of Northern Greece and the neighboring Balkan countries .


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