
The next quarterly interest period of the EGNATIA BANK unsecured Convertible Loan, as stated in the November 2002 prospectus, begins on 1st July 2006 and ends on 30th September 2006. Specifically, with regard to the interest rate the following applies:
Reference rate 3,063% (3 month Euribor, value date 01/07/06) Duration: 3 months
Interest Period: 3 months
Spread: 1,75%
On the basis of the above, the interest rate for the period 01/07/06-30/09/06 is 4,813%.
Number of bonds convertible into common shares: 378.310
Number of bonds convertible into preferred shares: 77.290
Number of common registered shares: 93.180.129
Number of preferred registered shares: 11.088.214

Interest is paid at maturity and on an actual/360 day basis.


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