
In accordance with the provisions of article 24, para. 2, section b) of Law 3461/2006, the banking corporation with the trade name "PIRAEUS BANK S.A" announces that in the period from 22.6.2006 to 26.6.2006 it acquired in total three million eight hundred sixty nine thousand three hundred and sixty six (3,869,326) shares of the banking corporation with the trade name "Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd.", which represent 0.71% of voting rights in the "Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd.". The average acquisition price of the above shares amounted to EURO seven and twenty three cents ( 7.23) per share. It is added that, according to its previous relevant announcement, "PIRAEUS BANK S.A." held on 21.6.2006 a percentage of 5.99% of voting rights in the "Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd".


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