
The Board of Directors of HELEX approved the Merger Agreement, for the absorption by HELEX of its subsidiaries, which are not listed on Athens Exchange, Central Securities Depository S.A. (CSD) and Athens Derivatives Exchange Clearing House S.A. (ADECH), with a Transformation Balance Sheet date of December 31st 2005, in accordance with the provisions of articles 68 to 77 of Common Law 2190/1920 as well as articles 1 to 5 of Law 2166/1993. The corresponding decisions were taken by the Boards of Directors of the companies to be merged CSD and ADECH. The merger is contingent on its approval by the General Meetings of the shareholders of the companies to be merged and the receipt of the necessary permissions and approvals by the appropriate authorities in accordance with the law. In accordance with the provisions of article 73 (1) of Common Law 2190/1920, shareholders of HELEX can obtain from the offices of the Company at 1 Pesmazoglou St., 4th floor, 10559 Athens - GREECE, the following documents, starting on Monday June 26th 2006:
1. The draft Merger Agreement and the reports of the Boards of Directors, in accordance with article 69 (4) of Common Law 2190/1920
2. The reports of the certified auditor for the ascertainment of the book value of the assets of CSD and ADECH
3. The annual financial statements of CSD and ADECH, as well as the management reports of the BoD of CSD and ADECH for the last three fiscal years
4. The quarterly interim financial statements of March 31st 2006 of CSD and ADECH
In every case, following the conclusion of the merger, the registry operation and the assumption of central counterparty risk will not be undertaken by the same legal person.
For more information, shareholders can contact the Strategic Planning, Communication and Investor Relations Directorate of the Company (tel: +30-210 3366 616).


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