
The Company would like to announce, pursuant to par. 5, article 1 of Presidential Decree No. 82/1996, its intention to participate either independently or as a member of a Joint Venture in the procedures for undertaking Government projects and procurements that are subject to article 8 of Law No. 3310/2005, as amended and supplemented by Law No. 3414/2005, and Presidential Decree No. 82/1996 as it is in force. More specifically, the company intends to participate in tender with Invitation No. ΔΑΥΕ/ΙΚΗ-1 is sued by the PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION S.A. for the project entitled "IKARIA HYBRID POWER PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF POWER STATIONS, A PUMPING STATION, WATER TANKS AND SIMILAR ENGINEERING WORKS. DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, ASSEMBLY, ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF INLET PIPES, WIND GENERATION TURBINES, WATER TURBINES, POWER GENERATORS, PUMPS, MOTORS AND SIMILAR ELECTROMECHANICAL (E/M) EQUIPMENT". The tender will be held on 24 May 2006. The budged cost of the said tender is set to EURO 20,000,000, excluding VAT excluded. It is also announced by the Company that its Societes Anonymes - Shareholders which, according to the above provisions of article 8 of Law 3310/2005 in combination with Article 1 of PD 82/96, ought to register their shares, are required to provide the information stipulated in the above provisions so as to confirm compliance with the said provisions with regard to the registration of their shares. Finally, also announced are the penalties provided for in article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3 of Presidential Decree No. 82/96 which include the deprivation (a) of the rights to attend and vote in the General Assembly of our Company, and (b) of all property rights that arise from their status as shareholders until they fully comply with their above obligations.


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