
It is announced that the company, according to the para.5 of the Article 1 of the Presidential Decree 82/1996, intends to participate either itself or as a Consortium member to the process of undertaking projects from the Public Sector that fall into the clauses of the Article 8 of the Law 3310/2005, as modified and supplemented by the Law 3414/2005 and the Presidential Decree 82/1996 as it is valid.
Specifically, the company intends to participate to the Enquiry DMAOR-102, announced by Public Power Corporation (P.P.C.), for the project "Reconstruction, construction and erection of 2 (two) movable driving stations for the belt conveyors B=1800MM and construction of supplementary equipment for the new branch of Kardia open mine field - Sector 6 to the west Macedonian Lignite Center".
The submission date is the 19th May 2006.
The budget of said Enquiry amounts to euro 3.600.000,00 (VAT excluded). It is also announced by the company, that according to the clauses of the Article 8 of the Law 3310/2005, in combination to the Article 1 of the Presidential Decree 82/1996, as they are valid, the societes anonymes' shareholders must submit to our company all data required by the above clauses that certify their conformity to these clauses regarding their nominal shares. Finally, it is noted that non compliance of Societes Anonymes - shareholders of our company to the above, bears consequences provided by Article 2 , para.2 & 3 of the above P.D.82/96 about deprivation of the following: a)presentation and voting rights in the company's General Meeting and b) of any kind of property rights derived by their shareholding, up to their full conformity to the above obligations.


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