
We inform you that at the Extraordinary General Assembly of our Company, which took place on 22nd December 2005 at 9.30 am in the company headquarters (340, Kifissias Ave., 6th floor), the following items of the agenda were discussed, as announced by the Invitation by the Board dated 28/11/2005:

1st Item: Decision on buying property, in accordance with art. 10 of R.L. 2190/1920 as it is valid today, following its evaluation by the three-member Appraisal Committee of art. 9 of the above law.

2nd Item: Announcements

During the meeting of the Extraordinary General Assembly 23 shareholders owning 19.035.327 shares, that is 56.101% on 33.930.000 shares, were present (in person or by proxy). The following decisions regarding all items on the agenda were taken unanimously:
1st Item: The General Assembly decided unanimously, that is with 19.035.327 votes, for the Company to buy a plot of land situated in the Municipality of Nea Erythrea in Attica, in the area of Mortero, on Samothrakis and Gymnastiriou str. which measures 9.739,70 sq.m. and occupies the entire Building Block nr. 273, as well as the building constructed on it, which has a total surface area of 8.147 sq.m. Because the President of the Board, Mr. Charalambos Vovos, is the main shareholder of the seller company
INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CARE S.A. the sale will take place in accordance with art. 10 of R.L. 2190/1920, as it is valid today, since the evaluation by the three-member Appraisal Committee of art. 9 of the above Law. Finally, the President of the Board Mr. Charalambos Vovos and the Chief Executive Officer Mr. Armodios Vovos are authorized to perform all the necessary actions for finalizing the above acquisition.
2nd Item: Announcements
The President, closing the works of the Extraordinary General Assembly, emphasized that he is particularly happy for the fact that the shareholders? assembly took the above decision unanimously, which is for the best interest of the company.


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