2005 First Half Financial Results of S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. - 23% increase in Sales and 35.3% in Net Profits

Both sales and profitability of the S&B Group showed significant increases in the first half of 2005, compared to the corresponding period of 2004. More specifically, consolidated sales reached Euro 214.1 million versus Euro 174.05 million in the same period of last year, marking an increase of 23%. EBITDA increased by 21.2% (Euro 34.05 million versus Euro 28.1 million) and profits after estimated taxes increased by 35.3%, amounting to Euro 12.65 million. Moreover, profits after tax per share reached Euro 0.40.

In the Industrial Minerals sector, representing about 80% of the Group's turnover, the sales increase was 35.7% (Euro 171.67 million from Euro 126.55 million), attributed both to the acquisition of STOLLBERG in late June 2004, and to organic growth in the industrial minerals sales of 8.5%. Also, EBITDA of this sector increased by 29.7%. The positive results of the first half, within adverse conditions such as instability in the international markets, high shipping freight costs and rapid increases in energy cost, are mainly attributed to the strong positions that S&B's industrial minerals hold in the markets they serve.

Sales of the Commercial Activity sector (MOTODYNAMICS S.A. & ERGOTRAK S.A.) marked a decrease of 10.7% (Euro 42.43 million versus Euro 47.49 million) mainly due to the respective markets' slow down in the first half of 2005 compared to the 'pre-Olympic' first half of 2004.

Referring to the 2005 first half financial results and the prospects for the year, Mr. Efthimios Vidalis, Chief Executive Officer of S&B Industrial Minerals S.A. stated: "we are very satisfied with our Group?s results during the first half of the year. S&B activities continue to grow, steadily and consistently, along with parallel increases in profitability. The steady increase in sales volumes, the gradual price adjustments effected and the restraint of general administrative expenses contribute to increased cash flows, necessary for further growth. We have faith in our prospects and we will continue with the same enthusiasm to pursue our strategy of growth and geographic expansion, rewarding our shareholders with our Group?s continuous development".


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