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Cancellation of company shares - Share capital reduction through a reduction in the share par value


19 June 2009 - HELLENIC EXCHANGES S.A. HOLDING, CLEARING, SETTLEMENT AND REGISTRY informs investors that the 2nd Repetitive General Meeting of shareholders, which took place on 26.5.2009, decided among other items:

 a)      to reduce the company's share capital by the amount of EUR6,396,250, through a reduction in the number of common registered shares outstanding from 70,485,563 to 65,368,563, due to the cancellation of the treasury stock, in accordance with article 16 of CL 2190/1920.

The abovementioned 5,117,000 shares were purchased in the period from 12.6.2008 to 18.12.2008, in execution of the resolution of the General Meeting of shareholders of 14.5.2008, and the resolution of the BoD of the Company of 28.2.2008.

 b)      to reduce the share capital of the company by the amount of EUR9,805,284.45, which will take place through a reduction of the par value of the share from EUR1.25 to EUR1.10

Following the abovementioned reductions, the share capital of the Company amounts to EUR71,905,419.30, divided into 65,368,563 common registered shares with a par value of EUR1.10 each.

Resolution K2-5804 of the Minister of Development, approving the modification of the relevant article in the Articles of Association of the Company was registered in the Companies Register on 11.6.2009. Athens Exchange was informed on 19.6.2009 about the abovementioned share capital reduction due to the cancellation of the treasury stock as well as the reduction in the par value of the shares of the Company through the return of capital to shareholders in the form of cash in the amount of EUR0.15 per share.

Following the above, the Company decided that, starting on 25.6.2009, trading will cease on ATHEX for the 5,117,000 shares which are cancelled.

Furthermore, on Wednesday September 9th 2009, the shares of the company will trade on ATHEX with the new par value of EUR1.10 per share, without the right to participate in the share capital return through the payment in cash to shareholders in the amount of EUR0.15 per share.

On the same date, the opening price of the shares of the Company on ATHEX will be determined in accordance with the Athens Exchange Rulebook, in conjunction with Resolution 26 of the BoD of ATHEX, as it applies.

Beneficiaries of the share capital return will be those shareholders of the Company that are registered on the Dematerialized Securities System on 11.9.2009. The payment date for the share capital return is 17.9.2009. The method of payment of the share capital return will be announced by the Company at a later date.

For more information, shareholders can contact the Investor Relations department of the Company (Mrs. Douloufaki, tel +30 210 336 6616).




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